Highlights of “Spring Fusion” @ Critique Boutique

This past Sunday, we had an awesome time at Spring Fusion featuring the art of Yours Truly, fashion by Critique Boutique and Interior Design by Kreative Ways and Solutions, LLC at National Harbor, Maryland.  The sun cooperated with us all afternoon, as Melvin Rogers showcased music from his first CD DeMood and his upcoming CD to be released next year.  A variety of friends, colleagues and visitors came through and the food was incredible by our good friend Nana Akosava!

Kreative Ways used this opportunity to showcase the new re-design of Critique Boutique’s dressing rooms which features original artwork by Yours Truly from the Goddess Series!  The interior design company, led by Sherry Burton Ways used this opportunity to celebrate their inclusion in the DC Metro 100 top interior designers book, which was released this spring!

Thanks to all who made this special event a success!  Check out some of the photo highlights below!

Melvin Rogers performs his smooth jazz majic...

L to R: Yours Truly and Sherry Burton Ways of Kreative Ways and Solutions, LLC