Reflections on 2012


As I reflected on this year, I was at a loss as to go about explaining how this year went and of course, faced a blog I had not posted on in over six months!

Artistically, I faced an entire year of being blocked from my creativity….something that happens to artists at times.  This was a bit long for me.  It wasn’t because I lacked ideas or materials….I think it was a form of the grieving process that I manifested as a result of the death of my father in 2011.  I would just not feel like hitting the “lab” to do anything!

I dedicated this blog to featuring my own art and what I have been doing in the arts in general.  I did not share that I spent this past year focused on my other artistic passion, or my activities with related organizations, which I promise to do better in the future!
One of the most profound books I read this year was The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte.  It’s an awesome book for creatives to boldly move forward toward your goals.  As I thought through this end of the year post, a fellow creative, Bessie Akuba posted this wonderful end of the year blog using Danielle’s Glory Board to share her year’s accomplishments as a guide.   I thought it was a cool idea and decided to use it to share my thoughts for the year.

Here goes a partial list that I will share:

Inspired:  I was inspired by the launch of my twin sister and fellow artist new book having watched all that she went through to get it out.  It was an inspirational moment to see her dream come to fruition. Through my work with my other new venture, I received feedback from many people that are inspired to start collecting original art.  I am thrilled about this.
Traveled: I did a lot of traveling this year.  My favorite place to have spent time was New York City.  Seeing exhibitions and attending art events and classes inspired me to start creating work again as well as to learn more about the art business in general.  I also enjoyed my time at Akwaaba in Cape May, New Jersey for a brief respite from the day to day in the DMV!
Sold:  Despite this being a rather unproductive year for creating new work and participating in exhibitions, I did sell a couple of artworks through auction fundraisers, which is always a good thing!
Bought:  Well of course…..Art!  I added to my personal collection with two additional original works which I’m proud of!
Gave:  I volunteered and gave a lot of my personal time through activities as a new board member of the Millennium Arts Salon and with my sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.  I have treasured the time spent planning and executing many art, social media and  community projects with wonderful people who have become friends.  I also donated art and money to causes that I care about.
Motivated:  I had tried to stay away from providing art consulting to artists for personal reasons.  However, two dear friends who retired from the federal government were interested in jump starting their visual art careers came to me for advice on a variety of art related stuff.  So pro-bono, I have been working with them to help them prepare for exhibitions and organize their work.  I have received so much feedback from both, learning how my help have motivated one in particular to become a more serious artist.
Discovered: I have tried several times during the last few years to adopt a pet and for various reasons, it did not work out.  At least not until this Fall, when I discovered and fell in love with a buff and cream, marble patterned tabby cat named Simba.  For some reason, this little male kitten has made me re-discover the joys of being a pet parent and has contributed so much to my little household!

There were other accomplishments as well.  There were disappointments, sadness and WTF moments as well. I had to make some changes and adjustments to my inner circle versus my professional circle and that meant that some people had to be relocated based on changes in our relationship.   It doesn’t do much for anyone to re-hash that stuff here, but I am learning from it and do what I can to live up to my 2013 theme which is now Forward Abundance.  Let it flow!

As usual, I end each year with a “song” that kind of sums up my thoughts and feelings going into the new year.  I was in Starbucks recently and heard this song by Carrie Newsome entitled Breathe.  It really spoke to me and decided to include it here.
Best wishes for an awesome 2013….!

Still time to support Inliquid’s benefit v. 12 through Online Auction


"Celebrate", 2010, collage/mixed media on paper, by Sharon J. Burton, copyright Sharon J. Burton


Inliquid Art and Design is a  nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization dedicated to providing opportunities and exposure for visual artists and designers, serving as a free public hub for arts information and resources, and making the visual arts more accessible to a broader audience through a continuing series of community-based art exhibitions and programs.  The organization is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

This past Feburary,  I participated in their Annual Fundraiser entitled inliquid benefit v. 12, which included a juried art auction (jurors this year inluded Julien Robson, Curator of Contemporary Art, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Annabelle Rodríguez-Lawton, Founding Director of ~ The curARTorial LAB and Buy Shaver, artist).  Two of my origninal works,  Inflight and Celebrate were selected for the fundraiser, which occurred during several events that began on February 10, 2012. Check out the photos from the events here.

Good news….Inflight sold….bad news….Celebrate did not!  But Inliquid is expanding the opportunity for unsold works by offering an online option for collectors.   Check out all the artwork, including Celebrate at this link.  The online auction is on view for purchase until March 16, 2012.

Thanks for your support!